Kimberly Richards

Relationship and Operations Associate

Kimberly is passionate about helping others grow, whether it is an individual’s development or the improvement of an organization. Her varied professional and academic experiences as a community organizer, educator, facilitator, and coach have provided opportunities to assess and guide people, relationships, strategies, policies, research, and more.

Kimberly attended The Pennsylvania State University for her undergraduate and graduate degrees, receiving her MPS in Criminal Justice Policy and Administration and her BS in Human Development and Family Studies and minoring in Rehabilitation and Human Services. Kimberly believes passionately in empowering communities through dedicated, intentional, and equitable service – particularly for communities of color.

Kimberly walks Build Up’s values of being brave, ever-learning, excellent, and relational within her own life. She is excited to be in this role as a Relationship and Operations Associate because of the way she can support Build Up and its clients through the role’s administrative responsibilities.

As the daughter of two Jamaican immigrants, Kimberly has a particular love for Caribbean islands and culture (Jamaica is her favorite, of course!). Kimberly enjoys using her free time to sing, dance, act, and play piano outside of work. She loves to learn and be challenged to reach higher heights and deeper depths in her interests and abilities. She also loves spending time with her family, friends, and her significant other with their two dogs.

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