We are a group of nonprofit experts with decades of programmatic, legal, governance, and operations experience. We have all held leadership and governance positions in prominent national and international foundations and nonprofit organizations.
Engagement Advisors
We have provided strategic, legal advice to networks, associations, trusts, corporations, movements, and high net worth individuals and have provided pivotal programmatic and operational support and direction to philanthropists, philanthropies, NGOs, and governments all over the world.
Collectively, we have experience operating in every region of the world. We have worked to successfully structure solutions in public health, education, drug policy, women’s rights, scholarships, fellowships, criminal justice, fiscal governance and transparency, and human rights.
We are creative problem solvers who, for our entire careers, have designed straightforward solutions to complex problems. We leverage our network of problem solvers to provide sound, yet bravely different and innovative, advice and guidance to our clients.