

Fast Build Friday: Episode 10- Making Grants to Organizations That Are Not U.S. Public Charities

We have been receiving a lot of questions about how to structure funding awards to groups and organizations that are not formal charities. Funders want to support change, but have not made these types of grants before or have made them, but getting the funding out was a slow, complicated process.

We are in a moment when neither reality works.

Today’s Fast Build Friday episode is about making grants to organizations that are not U.S. public charities.

Nic offers 3 key recommendations that will help funders and these organizations sustain a movement, ideas, and change.

We will also provide a link to a previous FBF episode about effectively working with intermediary organizations, which may be another way to fund these organizations, here.

What are you seeing that we should know about? Let us know in the comments!

You can watch Episode 10 below.