

Fast Build Friday: Episode 39- Infrastructure Trends to Watch in 2021 (Part II)

Given what we have seen so far, #nonprofit and #philanthropy leaders might be saying this phrase at the end of 2021: “Remember when we hosted that ‘bylaws and committee charter review’ party last year that was standing-room only?”

Today’s Fast Build Friday topic is the infrastructure trends to watch in 2021. Nic highlights the second of two 2021 trends that she wants to talk about in a bit more detail. It is the second part of a two-part series.

The second infrastructure trend that Nic thinks we should watch this year is #governance. We believe any organizations within the sector will start to critically question their governance structure and pay attention to the pipeline in place to recruit members to ensure that their boards and structure are both strong.

What are you thinking about governance in 2021? What other infrastructure trends are you seeing in 2021?

Let us know in the comments!

You can watch Episode 39 below.