

Fast Build Friday: Episode 18- The Importance of Infrastructure in Innovation

Nic had a conversation with a nonprofit CEO and they talked a lot about how #nonprofits and philanthropies often focus on #innovation as an outcome or a specific point in time.

Their conversation really made us reflect. In the nonprofit sector, we often hear the word, innovation, but we do not talk as much about how an organization “becomes innovative.” And we struggle with determining how to fund innovation or defining innovation in the first place.

Today’s Fast Build Friday topic is the importance of infrastructure in innovation. Nic wants us to dissect this topic; this episode explains the first of two building blocks about infrastructure and innovation she will share.

This first building block is meant to raise questions for you about how you think about and pursue innovation.

How do you create space for experimentation within your organization? And where do #failure and learning come into play within your #infrastructure? Let us know in the comments!

You can watch Episode 18 below.