
fast build friday

Incorporating DEI Into Infrastructure with A. Nicole Campbell  (RECAST)

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is a critical component in building a robust infrastructure, especially one that both reflects and aims to support various communities throughout the world. This week we’re recasting a very fascinating conversation Nic had with a nonprofit President & CEO about diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Throughout their conversation they talked about indicators that show when nonprofits and philanthropies are serious and intentional about DEI. In fact, those lingering thoughts are what inspired this episode! Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is a critical component in building a robust infrastructure, especially one that both reflects and aims to support various communities throughout the world.
Have you tried incorporating DEI throughout your organizational infrastructure? If not, why?

Listen to the podcasts here:

Episode 39:




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Receiving and Managing Significant Grants With Organizational Integrity with A. Nicole Campbell (RECAST)

Do you think your nonprofit infrastructure allows you to seamlessly receive and manage significant grants? We spend a lot of time talking about good grant making, but not as much time talking about good grant “receiving.”

This week we are recasting one of our past episodes discussing how to receive and manage significant grants with organizational integrity.

Having built infrastructure for nonprofits all over the world to receive and manage significant grants, Nic shares her 3 recommendations to design an infrastructure that allows an organization’s values to confidently guide how that organization accepts funding.

How are you managing and receiving grants?

Listen to the podcasts here:

Episode 42:




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Holding Grant Makers Accountable for Equity and Inclusion with A. Nicole Campbell 

Over the next two weeks, Nic is discussing holding grant makers accountable for equity and inclusion. These episodes were recorded as episodes from our Fast Build Friday series, a web-series where we quickly build what you know about infrastructure design in the nonprofit sector.

In these episodes, Nic shares two recommendations for holding grant makers accountable. The first recommendation is to require grant makers to share what they have done or are doing about equity in their grant making, and the second recommendation is to ensure they “put their money where their mouth is.” These two fast builds will leave you will an abundance of information and inspiration.

Listen to the podcasts here:

Part 1:

Part 2:



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The Role of Technology In Infrastructure with A. Nicole Campbell 

Have you thought about the way technology is impacting your infrastructure?

Are you certain that the way your organization views and uses technology is not weakening your infrastructure?

You see, technology is about more than just having the latest app. It’s also a critical way to share information and resources with vulnerable communities that need them most. And we cannot close the digital divide (or the wealth and the equity gap) without leveraging it to strengthen our infrastructure.

In this episode, Nic shares 4 key considerations about technology that inform nonprofit needs, practices, and ultimately, culture and policy.

Listen to the podcast here:

Episode 43:




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Receiving and Managing Significant Grants With Organizational Integrity with A. Nicole Campbell 

Do you think your nonprofit infrastructure allows you to seamlessly receive and manage significant grants? We spend a lot of time talking about good grant making, but not as much time talking about good grant “receiving.”

This week’s episode talks how to receive and manage significant grants with organizational integrity.

Having built infrastructure for nonprofits all over the world to receive and manage significant grants, Nic shares her 3 recommendations to design an infrastructure that allows an organization’s values to confidently guide how that organization accepts funding.

How are you managing and receiving grants?

Listen to the podcasts here:

Episode 42:




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