

Fast Build Friday: Episode 42- Transitioning from Concept to Public Charity (Part II)

How do you plan for an organization that does not exist? Have you ever done that? We do it all the time. It is partly why we specialize in creating peace of mind.

Today’s Fast Build topic is about transitioning from concept to public charity. Nic shares the second of two key considerations for transitioning to public charity status. It is the second part of a two-part series.

The second key consideration is to take the time to plan your strategy. This planning includes articulating your vision, mission, priorities, proposed activities, and other goals that you have for your organization. Trust us, the time that you take to think critically about your organization will pay off in multiples.

How do you support your concepts to transition into a public charity? Could you do it even better? Let us know in the comments!

You can watch Episode 42 below.

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Fast Build Friday: Episode 41- Transitioning from Concept to Public Charity (Part I)

Would it surprise you to know that we never just say, “Let’s do it!” when someone comes to us to form a #charity? Or that we ask programmatic and strategy questions in addition to the “legal questions” you might expect? It is not simply a “transaction” to us.

Today’s Fast Build topic is about transitioning from concept to public charity. Nic shares the first of two key considerations for transitioning to public charity status.

The first consideration, which is critical, is to determine if you should, in fact, be a charitable entity. If you skip this step and go straight to assuming you should be a #publiccharity simply because you want to have social impact, you will lose out on a lot of the vision and mission setting that is critical for building infrastructure and will likely be in an inappropriate entity, both of which will ultimately have an impact within the communities you serve.

Taking the time and having the patience to put all of this together in a meaningful way, including the type of entity you will use to do your work, is how you start building out a strong infrastructure and framework for your organization.

You can watch Episode 41 below.

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Fast Build Friday: Episode 35- How to Have a Successful Strategic Planning Process

Where does your strategic plan live? In a shared folder, on a shelf, or in a drawer? Or does your plan live in the approach, training, and practices within your organization? And how do you know?

Today’s Fast Build Friday topic is how to have a successful strategic planning process. Nic shares two key elements to ensure success in implementation: people and systems.

If an organization does not consider people and systems as part of the strategic planning process, it is jeopardizing its organization’s strategic goals. A strong planning process focuses on how things will get done and who will do them and ensures that people have the resources and support they need to perform their responsibilities within the organization.

Does your strategic plan have these elements? What was the best part of your strategic planning process? Let us know in the comments!

You can watch Episode 35 below.

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Fast Build Friday: Episode 34- Understanding Strategic Nonprofit Alliances

How do you determine whether you should collaborate with another #nonprofit? Do you have clear criteria for entering into collaborations with other nonprofits or do you base your decision on fear or trust?

Today’s Fast Build Friday is about strategic nonprofit alliances. Nic highlights 3 key principles to consider when entering into a strategic nonprofit alliance.

If you are entering into collaborations simply to secure funding, or do not understand the structure of your collaborations and partnerships, or you are considering an alliance only because your organization is at its weakest, you are impacting your chance to improve your infrastructure and build sustainability.

When you step into strategic nonprofit alliances with immense clarity, you can strengthen your infrastructure, build your capacity, and expand the impact you’d like to have with vulnerable and marginalized communities.

What do your strategic nonprofit alliances look like? Let us know in the comments!

You can watch Episode 34 below.

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Fast Build Friday: Episode 31- Strong Succession Planning Part II

If we asked you to show us your succession plan, would you have to blow months or years of dust off it before you showed it to us? And would it contemplate the development of people within your organization not yet ready to step into key leadership roles?

Today’s Fast Build Friday topic is a continuation of last week’s topic about succession planning. Nic shares the remaining 2 of 4 key elements that succession planning and succession plans need – internal people pipeline and “living” plans.

When we focus on developing an internal pipeline of people and seeing our succession plans as “living” documents, we advance our organizations’ ability to both evolve and sustain.

You don’t just plan one time; you should be planning.

What are you going to do differently or maintain when it comes to your succession planning?

Let us know in the comments!

You can watch Episode 31 below.

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