
flexible funding

Making the Case for General Support Funding with A. Nicole Campbell

Over the next two weeks on the Nonprofit Build Up, we are making the case for general support funding. This two-part series was originally recorded as a webinar with Angelyn Frazer-Giles, Executive Director of the National Network for Justice. Angelyn was previously featured on the Nonprofit Build Up Episode 9- Increasing Access for Grassroots Organizations.

You will hear us talk a lot about general support funding or flexible funding on the Nonprofit Build Up podcast, including Episode 22 – General Support Funding with A. Nicole Campbell. Many leaders in the nonprofit sector are speaking out about how crucial general support funding is for creating sustainable and effective organizations. And we agree. This series goes a little deeper into discussing why the majority of funding is not general support and what the delays are that slow down general support grants from becoming the default grants of the sector.

Additionally, Nic gets technical and discusses how to request general support grants and how to structure these awards to nonprofits and social-impact entities. Angelyn and Nic also address how to build relationships and trust and redefine risk to effectively transition to general support.

Listen to Part 1:

Listen to Part 2:


Read the podcast transcription below:

Part One

-Upbeat Intro Music-

Nic Campbell: You’re listening to the Nonprofit Build Up podcast. And I’m your host, Nic Campbell. I want to support movements that can interrupt cycles of injustice and inequity and shift power towards vulnerable and marginalized communities. I’ve spent years working in and with nonprofits and philanthropies, and I know how important infrastructure is to outcomes. On this show, we’ll talk about how to build capacity to transform the way you and your organization work.

Katy Thompson: Hi, everyone. It’s Katy T., Build Up’s Program Coordinator. This week on the Nonprofit Build Up, we are making the case for general support funding. This episode was originally recorded as a webinar with Angelyn Frazer-Giles, Executive Director of the National Network for Justice. 

Katy Thompson: Angelyn was previously featured on the Nonprofit Build Up on episode 9, Increasing Access for Grassroots Organizations. You will hear us talk a lot about general support funding or flexible funding on the Nonprofit Build Up podcast, including last week’s episode introducing the importance of general support grants. 

Katy Thompson: Many leaders in the nonprofit sector are speaking out about how crucial general support funding is for creating sustainable and effective organizations. And we agree. This episode goes a little deeper into discussing why the majority of funding is not general support, and what the delays are that slow down general support grants from becoming the default grants of the sector. 

Katy Thompson: And with that, here is Nic’s discussion about general support funding with Angelyn Frazer-Giles. 

Nic Campbell: Thanks so much, Angelyn. It’s my pleasure to be here. And I really love the work that NNJ does. And so, I’m very happy to be having this conversation. When we started to talk about what this conversation would look like and what we would be able to cover, we started to talk about funding, right? And we started this conversation around why can’t we have more flexible funding throughout the sector? What is it that’s preventing funders from just making this a default position? And so, that’s always been my question about why can’t we make the default position within the sector to be general support funding? 

Nic Campbell: And I’ve heard some arguments against doing that. And I think in some instances it just might not work if you’re working with a particular organization and you’re trying to – A university is a great example. If you’re trying to support a school, for example, within the university. Giving general support to the entire university is not what’s intended. But I do think what is intended is flexibility and how that school or the intended grantee uses the funding. And so, this idea around general support is really about flexibility in funding and giving the ability of how to use that funding over to the grantee, right? And what are our steps to get there? 

Nic Campbell: And so, what I want to talk about today is what is general support? I think we use that term a lot. I want to explain what I mean by it. What do we mean when we say project support or project grants? Talk about two concepts; expenditure responsibility and equivalency determination. We’ll talk about when those things come into play. But I do think that we need to talk about them in order to have a real conversation around general support. 

Nic Campbell: Again, I do believe that in the majority of cases, general support is the most effective form of support that funders can provide to nonprofits to support their projects, programs and overall sustainability. This is how we build organizational capacity. You do it with flexible funding, unrestricted funding, and the general support. Yes, of course, you can build an organization that is sustainable through project support funding or project grants. But you want to make sure that the funding you’re providing is as flexible and unrestricted as possible. And I’ll walk through why. 

Nic Campbell: Why aren’t we there, right? This sounds really logical, right? Like, “Okay. Well, Nic, you’ve explained that you want to give flexibility to organizations. You want to get funding.” Why aren’t we there? And in my opinion, I think we’re not there because we have not built trusting relationships, right? And when I say we, I mean, funders and grantees. I think at the base of it, there is a lack of trust and there’s a lack of relationship that’s happening, which is influencing whether or not general support grants are then being made. 

Nic Campbell: And I think that that’s a big statement. And I think people will say, “Well, of course, I trust this organization. Of course, we have a relationship.” But I would actually challenge that and say, “Is it the kind of relationship where you say here is a set of unrestricted funds. Use it as you would like.” And I assured, and I trust that you understand my goals and we understand your goals, and we’re working towards the same aims, right? I think having that conversation and clarifying that relationship is at the core of all of this. And so, we can talk about all these tools. We can talk about giving general support grants, and project support grants, and expenditure responsibility, and how to do that with equivalency determinations and things like that. But to me, those things are tools. And at the core of it, it’s do you have this trusting relationship that will be able to support the use of all of those tools? When we say general operating support, what are we actually talking about? We’re talking about supporting a nonprofit’s mission, right? As opposed to saying, “I’m going to support this line item of a specific project or a program.” 

Nic Campbell: Again, we’ve talked about why funders, grantors should be providing general operating support. One, because it does build strong sustainable infrastructure. You’re not wedded to spending funds on a particular line item or a particular project. You can actually spend it to build capacity. You can help to build out the infrastructure of your organization, build out your governance, build out the way that you’re making grants if you are a grant-making nonprofit. It frees up the time that people are spending on fundraising, because now they don’t say, “Okay. Well, there’s 10 line items in our project. We’ve got two of them funded. Let’s go out and fundraise for the other eight.” Right? 

Nic Campbell: You are now thinking holistically, and it changes the way you start to tell your organization’s story and how you’re trying to say, “Here’s how you can support us.” And the reporting changes as well. Because now you’re giving reports on programs and initiatives throughout the organization and not doing it piecemeal, right? Project by project. I think it does reduce that power imbalance between grant maker and grantee that might exist. Because, again, you’re basing it on a trusting relationship. And this is where it comes from, right? This is where the flexibility comes from. The ability to say you’re going to use the funds the way you determine that you should use them. I think it allows an organization to be innovative and to actually take risks, right? 

Nic Campbell: Like, think of what you would do if you had a safety net, right? Think of what you would do if you had the ability to build your sustainability and your capacity. I think that’s a much different way of looking at things compared to, “Well, we’ve got a line item here. We still have to raise the other seven. How will we do that?” And you’re constantly worrying about how you’re raising funds against line items as opposed to how you’re building an organization. And at the core of all of this, it’s really about how are you giving your non-profit leaders space to lead? How are you giving them space to problem solve? And how are you giving them space to build an organization? I don’t think that once you give the funds, that’s it. 

Nic Campbell: I also think that what a company’s general support should be technical assistance support. You know, a lot of questions have been raised, “Well, if I give a general support award, it’s like writing a blank check. Essentially, how will I be able to find out what’s happened? How will I you know be able to monitor?” And I think, again, once you have that underlying trusting relationship, you can continue to work alongside the organization because of that really strong relationship. And you’re helping to say, “I have networks that I can introduce you to. I have other tools that I can have you use.” Because you’re providing technical assistance along with the money. 

Nic Campbell: I do not think that just providing general support funding is all it takes. I also think you need that additional capacity building support, the technical assistance that comes with it. And what do we mean when we say project or program support? We talk about supporting a specific project, or a specific program, or initiative of the organization. What can it help you do? You can actually respond directly to new and innovative projects. You could help to build out programs focus explicitly on that work that the project grant is funding. You have more control as a funder, right? You’re able to say, “Show me how this particular project has performed, a program has performed, a metric that you have articulated you would be following is doing. And you get into this idea of like not having this heavy reliance on one funding source. 

Nic Campbell: If you’ve got 10-line items and a funder is funding each of those line items, now you’re diversifying funding as a default, as opposed to having one funder giving you general support funding that you’re using any way you’d like. What are some of the limitations? Why do I constantly push for for general support? I really do believe that grantee organizations are the ones doing the work and they’re the ones that actually know the community that they’re serving best. Why not give them the ability to determine how then they want to use those funds, again, along with that technical assistance that’s being provided? 

Nic Campbell: I’ve also found this in my practice over seeing lots of different nonprofit organizations and leaders over the past 16 years, that what happens is you start to write to the grant, right? You start to write and create projects and programs to meet the funding ask, right? You might have an idea in your head where you’re like, “I think this is innovative. And I think this is the way to go.” But instead, what you do is, “Well, I know that there’s a pot of money that is living there for this particular kind of work. Now, let me write to that grant, right? Now, let me make this program fit that mold.” And so, I think that that does happen. 

Nic Campbell: And I think if you’re given piecemeal, you have to think about this, right? You’re giving piecemeal kinds of support and saying, “Okay, well I’m supporting this project or that program.” When you stop supporting a line item or you stop supporting that project, how is it being sustained over time? Because all of the things that you’re putting limits on, like, “Oh, we’re only giving 20% of this. We’re only giving 30% for overhead,” let’s say. Well, people still need desks to do their work, right? You still need electricity to do your work. You need all of those things that constitute infrastructure that we put limits on and we say, “We’re not going to – Our grant is only going to support this percentage of it.” What’s going to happen to the other 70%, the other 80%, that no other funder wants the fund because everyone wants to fund the program, the project, the work so to speak? 

Nic Campbell: What happens then is these projects may not be sustained over time. The project that you’re so interested in, that one might succeed. But what about the others that are not being supported or somebody drops out? Now you have projects being started not being sustained. And the overall effectiveness of the organization is decreasing, right? Just because one program is “succeeding”. If it’s succeeding in an environment that’s not sustainable, it is not succeeding, right? And so, those are some of the limitations that I’ve seen over the years and that I think that project support awards tend to facilitate. 

Nic Campbell: I’m not saying that project support is bad and never ever receive it. I just think that the default, the place we start from should be how do we award unrestricted flexible funding to this organization in order for them to be sustainable and build their capacity while doing the work that we’re interested in supporting. Now, the reason I wanted to talk about expenditure responsibility is because now that we’ve talked through general support and project support, some people might say, “Well, that only works when you’re making a grant to a public charity. When you make a grant to an organization that’s not a public charity, you have to deal with expenditure responsibility.” And this is only if the grant maker is a private foundation. If you’re a public charity and you’re making grants, you don’t have to worry about expenditure responsibility. But private foundations do. 

Nic Campbell: And private foundations then have to comply with all the ER requirements that say you have to do lots of different things. You have to have an agreement. You have to put certain language in the agreement. You have to conduct certain diligence. And you really can’t give a general support grant to an organization that’s not charitable, right? If you think about the example of giving a grant to a for-profit, and the for-profit would say has a really great charitable program, and you say, “Well, Nic said we should always give general support grants. I’m going to give it to this organization.” When you’re giving this general support grant to this for-profit that does for-profit things, you can’t do that as a private foundation because now you’re supporting things that are not charitable. You haven’t really supported that carve out project. That’s the concern when it gets to expenditure responsibility where people will say, “Well, we can’t obviously do general support in that context.” So, it has to be a project support grant, right? 

Nic Campbell: And I agree that you can’t just give the sort of blanket type of support to organizations that are not charitable when you’re dealing with expenditure responsibility. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t build in flexibility, right? It doesn’t mean that when you make that project award, you can build in the maximum amount of flexibility that is allowed under the law. And I don’t see that push to get us to that maximum level of flexibility under the law as much as I would like. 

Nic Campbell: I would love it if the place that we’re starting from is unrestricted flexible funding. And however it shows up, we meet those different situations. If we’re dealing with a for-profit with a charitable program that is carved out, then we give a project support grant that has the maximum amount of flexibility that is allowed in that instance. That’s what I’m saying when I talk about how we should approach funding. I’m not saying in every single instance, general support is appropriate or even legal. But I am saying that there are ways to have it happen. 

Nic Campbell: And so, when someone brings up expenditure responsibility, the thinking here is there’s still ways to do it. And I just want to see us try to get there. Because there’s lots of grassroots organizations that they’re not public charities for whatever reason, right? When we think about innovation, when we think about ways to show up and have social impact, it’s not just the public charity that can have social impact, right? There’s lots of different organizations that are not forprofits, but there are other kinds of entities that would fall under expenditure responsibility. And I don’t think that it’s logical or reasonable to say, “Well, because you’re not a public charity, we can’t possibly give you additional flexibility in this award. And we have to change the way we work or operate.” 

Nic Campbell: The other one I wanted to talk through is equivalency determination, because the question determination is essentially a process that you go through where you determine that a foreign grantee, a non-US entity, is the equivalent of a US public charity, right? You basically say, “Look, if you were formed in the United States, you would basically be a US public charity. But because you weren’t, we’re going to have to go through a process that makes sure that you’re the equivalent of a US public charity.” Once you go through that process, what it essentially does is it allows you to treat that organization as a US public charity. Otherwise, you’re in expenditure responsibility, right? Because you’re making a grant to an organization that is not a public charity. That’s when expenditure responsibility comes into play in the US and outside the US. 

Nic Campbell: Equivalency determination only comes into play when you’re dealing with organizations that are outside of the US. And so, here, it’s another tool to say, “How do we make sure that we can get you flexible funding?” Right? How do we make sure that we can put you under the general support rubric and give you the amount of funding that you need and have you use it in the way that you see best, again, providing technical assistance along the way? And equivalency determination is a process. So, you want to make sure that you’re supporting the grantee through that, because you’re asking for operations information and finances to essentially get to that point where you’re making that determination about equivalency. 

Nic Campbell: And so, that’s really what I wanted to talk through so that we could set ourselves up for our conversation. And again, like just to start us off or have us think about why is the majority of funding not general support, right? After everything that I’ve talked through, why do we think that we’re still in this space where the majority of the funding that’s awarded is actually not general support? And in fact, when COVID hit last year and started particularly within the United States, we had a lot of conversions, right? We had a lot of grants being converted from project support to general support. Why? Why did it take a pandemic for us to get to that point? And there’s some organizations, there’s some foundations, even after they’ve made that conversion, they’re still gone back to providing project support, right? It’s just like we think this is a crisis. And so, we think you need the flexibility. But in a non-crisis situation, you actually don’t need flexibility, and you’re fine with the project support grant. 

Nic Campbell: I would push us and challenge us to ask ourselves why is that the case? And then what’s slowing us down? What’s making us say why can’t general support grants or that approach of unrestricted flexible funding be the default approach for the sector? Like, what’s slowing us down there? 

Katy Thompson: We are going to pause the conversation here. There’s a lot we have to say about general support funding. Nic raised so many important points and questions to ponder that we wanted to space this discussion out over two episodes. Stay tuned for part two next week.

-Upbeat Outro Music-

Nic Campbell: Thank you for listening to this episode of Nonprofit Build Up. To access the show notes, additional resources and information on how you can work with us, please visit our website at buildupadvisory.com. We invite you to listen again next week as we share another episode about scaling impact by building infrastructure and capacity in the nonprofit sector. Keep building bravely.


Part Two

-Upbeat Intro Music-

Nic Campbell: You’re listening to the Nonprofit Build Up podcast. And I’m your host, Nic Campbell. I want to support movements that can interrupt cycles of injustice and inequity and shift power towards vulnerable and marginalized communities. I’ve spent years working in and with nonprofits and philanthropies, and I know how important infrastructure is to outcomes. On this show, we’ll talk about how to build capacity to transform the way you and your organization work.

Katy Thompson: Hi, everyone, its Katy T., Build Up’s Program Coordinator. This week on the Nonprofit Build Up, we’re continuing our conversation about general support funding. This episode was originally recorded as a webinar with Angelyn Frazer-Giles, Executive Director at the National Network for Justice. 

Katy Thompson: In this episode, Nic gets technical, and discusses how to request general support grants and how to structure these awards to nonprofits and social impact entities. Angelyn and Nic also addressed how to build relationships, and trust and redefine risks to effectively transition to general support. At Build Up, we believe that in the majority of cases. General support is the most effective form of support that funders can provide to nonprofit organizations to support their programs, projects and overall sustainability, which is why we’re dedicating a significant amount of time on the podcast to discuss it. And with that, here is the second and final part of Nic discussion about general support funding with Angelyn Frazer-Giles.

Nic Campbell: And then I also want to turn it on to the nonprofits as well, who are requesting grants. Because, yes, it’s funders that are talking about awarding project support grants. But I also find that as grantees are just asking for project support grants, I think it’s just because this is what we’ve been conditioned to do. So, how do you actually request them? How do you put yourself in a position where you’ve been receiving project grants for years and now you want to say, “No, I actually want to receive general support grants. And I want that technical assistance support so that I can continue to build out the capacity of my organization and become more sustainable.” How do you structure these grants to these innovative entities, right? Entities that are not public charities. They’re just other nonprofits, or they just might be social impact entities? How do we structure those grants to do those things? 

Nic Campbell: And I think most importantly, how do you build relationships and trust and redefine risk? How you’re thinking about risk to effectively transition to general support? Because I do think that without answering that final question, everything else is going to be sort of fits and starts, right? So, you’re going to see a wave of, “Hey, let’s all do general support.” And then you’re going to see it sort of stall. And you’re going to see it start up again. And we’ve seen that already, right? We’ve seen the largest foundation say, “We’re going to focus on general support and providing more flexible awards.” And then there’s kind of been a stop, right? Encouraging other foundations to do the same. But there’s going to stop. 

Nic Campbell: COVID then surfaces. And it’s, “Okay, well, let’s convert to general support. This is great. Let’s give all this generous support so we can provide flexibility to these organizations.” And now there’s sort of a lull. So why do we keep having those lulls? I really think it’s because at the core of it, we need to build those relationships and trust and think about and talk about how we’re defining risk. But I’ve said a lot. And so, I will stop there, Angelyn, and turn it back over to you. 

Angelyn Frazer-Giles: No. Great, great information. I’m going to ask, if anyone does have any questions, they could feel free to put it in the Q&A. But I have a couple of questions. And one of them has to do with the slide that talked about equivalency determination? And if you could just go over that a little bit, because I think I missed the first part of the concept in terms of foreign entities and how that relates to the nonprofit that is a US-based nonprofit. Could you just explain that one a little bit more?

Nic Campbell: So, when we talk about general support, and this idea that we’re giving flexible funding, unrestricted funding to organizations, some of the pushback or challenges might be, “Well, you can only do that with a US public charity.” You can only do that with an organization that is designated by the IRS as a public charity. And so, when you start to deal with organizations that are not US public charities, both within the United States and outside the United States, right, because it’s grassroots organizations around the world working within communities, you can’t then make those grants. So, they have to be project support grants. Let’s not even talk about flexibility when it comes to those organizations. 

Nic Campbell: And so, equivalency determination comes in, because it’s a way of saying we find that this organization that is based outside the United States is the equivalent of a US public charity. Once you go through that process to make that determination, now, that organization essentially can be treated just like a US public charity. So, that means that this organization, that before this equivalency determination process was not eligible for this broad general support client where you could support all aspects of the organization’s work necessarily, now they can, because they have been seen and deemed to be the equivalent of a US public charity. 

Nic Campbell: And so, as a result, you’re able to give broad support just like you would give to a US public charity. You can give them a lot of the flexibility and the options that you provide to US public charities. So, there’s another tool to do that. And sometimes it just requires that you’re going line by line through budgets when you’re in expenditure responsibility. So, now you’re making a grant to an organization that’s not a US public charity. It’s also based outside the US. And let’s say you don’t go through the clemency determination process, because for whatever reason, it just doesn’t qualify. And it doesn’t have to be for charitable reasons, but it just doesn’t qualify, you can still award funding in a flexible way to that organization, right? You literally just have to go through budget line by budget line to ensure that its charitable and what you’re supporting would be charitable. But you don’t have to designate it to a particular line item. I think there’s ways to do it. Equivalency determination is one. But also, being creative and how you’re thinking about supporting organizations that are not US public charities both within and outside the United States is another.

Angelyn Frazer-Giles: Okay. Thank you. Thank you for that clarification. We have a question. And I’m going to allow this person to talk if they want to say the question. I’ll just open up your mic. And if you want to say your question, you’re more than welcome to do so. And if not, I can also just read it. So, whichever you prefer. 

Nic Campbell: Cool. Thank you, Angelyn. Can you hear me okay?

Angelyn Frazer-Giles: Yes, we can hear you.

Nic Campbell: Thank you so much. This is really fantastic info. And really appreciate that this is a rare conversation in a lot of these spaces. Thank you, Nic, so much for presenting all of this. My question was around the challenge that I think a lot of smaller nonprofit organizations run into in general, which is, if you’re kind of a small fish, it’s hard to get the attention of foundations at all to fund your work. And so, then asking for general support seems like it’s just out of the question. So, I’m wondering if you find that there is a scale issue or a size issue that goes along with this? And if you have any suggestions for how to navigate that?

Nic Campbell: So, I appreciate the question. And I think what I’ve found – I’m not going to discount the fact that there is a size difference between a lot of the grassroots organizations that I work with and some of the largest funders, some of whom I work with as well. But I will say that scale, I think, is actually perception, right? Because if you were clear about your value add, if you were clear about this is what my organization does. This is our unique value proposition. This is what we’re adding to this ecosystem. This is the kind of impact that we’re having and the problem solving that we’re doing with the community. It doesn’t matter how “small” you are. It’s about your impact. And it’s about how you’re showing up. 

Nic Campbell: And so, when you come to that conversation with a funder to say, Essentially, we’re having this conversation because you’re interested in supporting us. If you’re interested in supporting us, then you’re interested in supporting that impact.” And so, finding a way to, one, be clear about your impact and your unique value prop and what you’re adding. But also, being clear that general support, I don’t think it’s like, “Well, you should start with project and then you get general.” It’s that this is how you invest in this organization. This is how you invest in the people and the capacity in the building of this organization. And this is the way to do it, is through general support grants, is through capacity building grants. It’s not through line item grants. 

Nic Campbell: And I think having that conversation. And again, if you have that relationship, that trusting relationship between whoever you’re talking to at the foundation or the funder, and they have whoever’s talking to them from your organization, that conversation goes a lot easier, right? I think it’s harder when people don’t have the relationship. They also don’t understand the risk. Because at the end of the day, the funder is just thinking in terms of risk, right? You’re thinking, “Is this risky? Will this actually pan out?” And no one really has a shared understanding of what risk means. Risk to them can mean you’re small, right? So, you’re risky. And if that’s the case, then we need to be clear about why that is a risk, as opposed to just being different. Why is it a risk as opposed to being an actual advantage? Because you can now engage with the community in a way that a large organization might not. 

Nic Campbell: I think a lot of these points really just go around how can you establish your impact? How can you make that clear to the funder? You also need a trusting relationship. I know, that’s the hard thing to build. But I think you need a trusting relationship. Because to be honest, even if you get a project support grant and that trusting relationship is not there, you’re going to see it in the monitoring. You’re going to see it in the reporting. You’re going to see it in the way that you’re engaging with each other anyway. So, you need to build that trusting relationship in order for all of those things to come together and see general support as an investment in this organization and getting them closer to the impact that they’re saying that they want. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be having the conversation with you. 

Nic Campbell: And so, that’s how I advise and counsel my clients to approach the conversation. We can talk about ways to be a little more creative. If for some reason the organization might not want to provide general support because sometimes that is the policy of the funder, and if that’s the case, then we think about how do we do this in a creative way as opposed to just saying, “Okay. Well, let’s just default to project support grants.” 

Angelyn Frazer-Giles: Yeah, it really was. Thank you. In that same vein, I have a question regarding – You talked about when the pandemic hit last year, when everything shut down, and folks were trying to do some of that basic support to communities, right? And after George Floyd, it was the conversation about race. And there was this reckoning for people who, I guess, didn’t feel racism existed in this world. There were all of these shifts, right? Where we saw some of the organizations that we support, they then have to like shift their mission and focus because the funders were then shifting their focus and various guidelines on funding. 

Angelyn Frazer-Giles: And you just talked about it slowing down. Like, it opened up. There was some general support. And then it’s starting to slow down a little bit more where they’re now fully re-evaluating, “Okay, where were we a year ago? And how do we continue down that path? Or do we need to structurally change things?” And I’m just curious as to how you’ve been able to talk to folks about not changing their mission to fit that mold that you discussed about the funding that exists and trying to find that one key word that’s in your mission that might be – The one key word that’s in the funding application and really get people to really step back and maybe say, “Well, maybe that’s not a good fit for me. Because if I have to change my mission and my goals, then I’m not being true to what my organization is about.” 

Nic Campbell: It’s a really good question, right? Because I think what it puts into play for me is that a few things. The first is if you’re in an emergency situation as an organization and you have payroll or you have just needs that need to be met immediately, I think, yes, go – If you can pivot easily, pivot easily and get the funding. Because it’s about staying alive at this point. 

I think if you’re in that kind of dire situation, I wouldn’t then say, “Well, no, I’m just going to hold off. And I’m not going to change because of all of these other things,” which are all valid if you’re in that emergency kind of situation. I would say pivot if you can and accept the funds, right? Because you want that lifeline. 

Nic Campbell: If you’re not in that dire of a situation and you’re just saying, “Look, we do need the funds. We need the revenue. How will we do that? Do we need to pivot?” I think you are in a position that is saying a ton about your infrastructure, right? It’s telling me that you are not diversified. It’s telling me that something is missing in that compelling story that you’re telling in order to fundraise, right? It says to me that you might be telling a great story around impact, for example. How you’re working with communities? But you’re not necessarily telling a very good story about your infrastructure, and all of the infrastructure that it takes to get to that impact. 

Nic Campbell: I think that once you get to the point where you’re thinking, “Should I pivot? I need this money. I need the revenue.” It’s actually a time to think about what in your infrastructure is not in place that have put you into this position? I think, one, very easily, could be diversification of revenue. Because there’s a series that I do on Fridays. It’s called fastball Fridays. Just like a few minutes of video, and we talk about infrastructure in each of those episodes. One of them that I put out is can you say no to a grant? Like, are you in the position to say no to a grant because it does not align with the way you want to problem solve alongside the community that you’re serving? And if your answer is, “No, Nic. Actually, I can’t say no to a grant at this point.” Then to me, it’s a signal that we need to work on governance. We need to work on your capacity. We need to work on how you’re doing your fundraising in terms of diversification of funding. Who you are actually reaching out to? 

Nic Campbell: There’s a lot of infrastructure pieces that I think that we should delve into that will actually strengthen your organization and put you in a much better place than you having to think about should I have to take this money or not? I think if you are at that stage and you have some space to at least say, “Look, it’d be nice to have, of course. But we actually don’t need it right now.” I would spend some time thinking about my infrastructure. I’m thinking about your board’s engagement and involvement oversight and accountability within the organization. How your capacity looks within your team, within your systems, your processes? Because something has gotten you to the point where you are now thinking of pivoting, changing your mission. You’re not talking about kind of a tweak. We’re talking about you changing your mission the way you work. I would say that you are almost at that stage of being really in dire condition. It’s a signal to me to start to focus on the infrastructure a lot more. 

Angelyn Frazer-Giles: Wow! Thank you. Thank you so much for. That’s really telling. Because I think we’re all in the position of having to look at our organizations and determine whether or not what we’re doing for the infrastructure is working. And is it sustainable over time? And asking yourself that question, can you turn down a grant? Because I think a lot of folks are also looking at situations where someone may be a great – Willing to offer you some money. But maybe it doesn’t fit in with your heart strength. So, it may be what their mission is, is really not necessarily what you want to align yourself with. Especially being able to step back and look at that situation and say, “Well, maybe that is what we shouldn’t do. Maybe we keep looking.” Do you have any advice for looking at foundational grants versus more uh corporate type grants? And that goes along with what I was just talking about. Making sure that whatever the mission is of that corporation fits in with your model or your vision. Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how to look at those? 

Nic Campbell: Yeah, I think when it comes to fundraising and development, the work that I do around infrastructure necessarily touches on it, right? Because you want to make sure that you’re strong enough to actually take funds, to actually go out and ask for funds. And so, when I hear – When I ask organizations about donors. Who are they receiving money from? Who’s in their donor base? And when it comes to fundraising and development, the work that I do around infrastructure necessarily touches on it, right? Because you want to make sure that you’re strong enough to actually take funds. To actually go out and ask for funds. 

Nic Campbell: And so, when I ask um organizations about donors. Who are they receiving money from? Who’s in their donor base? And when I hear it’s just all foundations. All private foundations. I like the fact that it’s diversified and it’s not like two foundations or one foundation. But I always want to ask about what about corporations? What about individuals? What about high-net-worth individuals? How about individuals that want to do sort of crowd sourcing, crowd funding types of contributions? 

Nic Campbell: And if they have a strategic response to that to say, “Oh, actually, here’s why corporations are not necessarily interested. Or here’s why they’re making up 2% of our donor um base.” I think that’s fine. But I want to make sure that we’ve had the conversation and I’ve asked the question. Because you need to know who your ideal donor is. And you make sure you’re as diversified as possible. I also think that we need to consider and explore earned income options and models as well. And again, it’s not to say that it is for everyone. But again, I want to make sure that you ask the question and you have a conversation as to why it’s not. 

Nic Campbell: And what I find a lot is that we start off from a place of we are just going after foundation grants. And I think that there’s a lot of other types of donors out there that might be interested in the work that you’re doing and the impact that you’re having that are not foundations. And so, it’s a matter of having that strategic conversation around does it make sense to have a campaign around corporations? Around individuals? Around different types of social impact entities that might be interested in the work that we’re doing? And again, you may not come out saying yes to all of those things. But at least you have the conversation and you’ve raised the question. 

Angelyn Frazer-Giles: Okay. Thank you. Thank you very much for that. I have one other – It’s really not a question. It’s just a statement for you to, first of all, say thank you so much for you being a partner with National Network for Justice. You have helped a couple of our members in their infrastructure and their strategic planning. And everybody loves you and thinks that you just are able to just put your thumb on the issue and really help aboard and help the staff work through whatever the issues are that they’re dealing with. So, I want to thank you for that. And please tell people how they can get in touch with you. Any type of service that you want to say that you are here for, that you are doing for folks. I know you are very, very busy. And so, you taking the time out to do this for us is really, really appreciated. And just want to give you the opportunity to talk about – 

Nic Campbell: I really appreciate that, Angelyn. And as I mentioned at the the top of our conversation, I do enjoy the work that we’re doing together and all that NNJ is doing for its members and for the community generally. If people want to be in touch, I would love it if you would be. We have a podcast. It’s called the Nonprofit Build Up. And so, it’d be great if you could take a listen to our episodes and also subscribe, because we would love to have you share all of the new episodes that are coming out. We have conversations with leaders and problem solvers within the sector about how to build infrastructure, fundraising and development. The same kinds of questions that we’ve talked through around do we pivot if we need the money? What does that say about our message and about our organization and sustainability? That’s definitely one way. 

Nic Campbell: Another is to please sign up for our newsletter. We send it out weekly. And we share lots of tips and resources within it. And you can just do that at our website, which is buildupadvisory.com. And you can sign up right there on the website. And right before you sign up, it’d be great if you could take a governance assessment, right? And so, we offer a free governance assessment where you can go on to the assessment and you go through it, answer questions about your board. You can have your colleagues take it as well if there’s more people on staff within your organization. And what we do is we take the information and then we come back with a governance assessment for you to give you an idea of where your organization is in terms of its governance and in terms of its development. Please pop on over to buildupadvisory.com. Take the assessment and also sign up for our newsletter. 

Angelyn Frazer-Giles: Sounds great. I get the newsletter. NNJ was featured in the newsletter a couple times. So, thank you. 

Nic Campbell: That’s right. 

Angelyn Frazer-Giles: So, we appreciate that. But – 

Katy Thompson: And that concludes this week’s episode. As you heard, general support allows nonprofits to have long-term vision while flexibly and easily addressing their immediate needs, which is particularly relevant in crises as we saw when many funders quickly converted their project support grants to general support grants in the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are curious to know how you are thinking about general support funding as either a nonprofit or a funder. Send us your answers and infrastructure comments and questions to hello@buildupadvisory.com.

-Upbeat Outro Music-

Nic Campbell: Thank you for listening to this episode of Nonprofit Build Up. To access the show notes, additional resources and information on how you can work with us, please visit our website at buildupadvisory.com. We invite you to listen again next week as we share another episode about scaling impact by building infrastructure and capacity in the nonprofit sector. Keep building bravely.

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Making the Case for General Support Funding with A. Nicole Campbell (Part I & II)

Over the next two weeks on the Nonprofit Build Up, we are making the case for general support funding. This two-part series was originally recorded as a webinar with Angelyn Frazer-Giles, Executive Director of the National Network for Justice. Angelyn was previously featured on the Nonprofit Build Up Episode 9- Increasing Access for Grassroots Organizations.

You will hear us talk a lot about general support funding or flexible funding on the Nonprofit Build Up podcast, including last week’s episode introducing the importance of general support grants. Many leaders in the nonprofit sector are speaking out about how crucial general support funding is for creating sustainable and effective organizations. And we agree. This series goes a little deeper into discussing why the majority of funding is not general support and what the delays are that slow down general support grants from becoming the default grants of the sector.

Additionally, Nic gets technical and discusses how to request general support grants and how to structure these awards to nonprofits and social-impact entities. Angelyn and Nic also address how to build relationships and trust and redefine risk to effectively transition to general support.

Listen to the podcast here:

Part One

Part Two


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General Support Funding with A. Nicole Campbell

This week on the Nonprofit Build Up, we are discussing general support funding. This episode was recorded as the very first episode from our Fast Build Friday series, a web-series where we quickly build what you know about infrastructure design in the nonprofit sector.  

You may hear us talk a lot about general support funding or flexible funding on the Nonprofit Build Up podcast. Many leaders in the nonprofit sector, some of whom we have had as guests, are speaking out about how crucial general support funding is for creating sustainable and effective organizations. Nic made our first Fast Build Friday video about this topic as a 2020 trend for the nonprofit sector. But we did not want general support funding to simply be a trend, and this episode explains why. 

Listen to the podcast here:



Read the podcast transcription below:

-Upbeat Intro Music-

Nic Campbell: 

You’re listening to the Nonprofit Build Up Podcast and I’m your host, Nic Campbell. I want to support movements that can interrupt cycles of injustice and inequity, and shift power towards vulnerable and marginalized communities. I’ve spent years working in and with nonprofits and philanthropies, and I know how important infrastructure is to outcomes. On this show, we’ll talk about how to build capacity to transform the way you and your organization work.

Katy Thompson:

Hi, everyone. It’s Katy T, BU’s PC. This week on the Nonprofit Build Up, we are discussing general support funding. This episode was recorded as the very first episode from our Fast Build Friday series, a web-series where we quickly build what you know about infrastructure design in the nonprofit sector.  

You may hear us talk a lot about general support funding or flexible funding on the Nonprofit Build Up podcast. Many leaders in the nonprofit sector, some of whom we have had as guests, are speaking out about how crucial general support funding is for creating sustainable and effective organizations. Nic made our first Fast Build Friday video about this topic as a 2020 trend for the nonprofit sector. But we did not want general support funding to simply be a trend, and this episode explains why. 

And with that, here is Fast Build Friday- Episode 1.  

Nicole Campbell:

Hi, everyone. It’s Nic with Build Up Advisory Group and welcome to Fast Build Fridays, a web series where we will build what you know about infrastructure design in the nonprofit sector. Now, I have some notes so you might see me looking down during this video, but it’s just to make sure that I stay on target and I don’t ramble on because this topic is near and dear to my heart. Today’s Fast Build topic is about the infrastructure trends that we’re seeing for the sector in 2020 and I wrote an article about these trends but I wanted to pull out one trend in particular and that’s the trend around general support funding. By now, I’m sure you’ve seen a lot of the articles and heard a lot of buzz around grants being moved from project support to general support. And the thinking here is that the general support funding, unlike project support funding, which is restricted usually to a project or to a program, this general support funding instead will allow organizations and leaders to determine how to spend that funding to make sure that the organization, their work, and the communities that they’re serving are sustainable.

Nicole Campbell:

Now in my opinion, this should have always been the case. This crisis, this COVID-19 pandemic, this crisis, did not create the need for flexible funding. The need was always there. The crisis just magnified that need. Now, as most of you know, I am a big proponent of general support funding, flexible funding, and I write about these topics a lot and I think that we are in a moment now where we have to ask ourselves, why wasn’t this grant a general support grant to begin with? And we should also be asking why can’t we continue to provide general support funding? Part of the reason I wanted to pull out this trend and talk about it was I wanted to share some of the interesting things that I’ve been noticing about this trend. The first is that the conversations that have been happening about general support I am finding are much more sophisticated than the conversations that have been happening in the past.

Nicole Campbell:

For example, there’s a real conversation around what are the true costs of running an organization and how can funding support those costs. The second thing that I wanted to flag is that these conversations are being mutually pushed or pursued by both grantees and funders, which is extremely important because I do think that this conversation should not be unilateral. It should be a dialogue, and so it’s really important that grantees and funders are both pushing to have this conversation. The third thing that I’m noticing are the public commitments from funders, and I really like to see these commitments. Why? Because they talk about general support and I think they’re just reinforcing the point that flexible funding is the way to make sure that an organization is sustainable. But with this observation, it’s also raising some questions for me about this trend, particularly around traction. Specifically, when are we going to move these conversations to action so that we could have a sector-wide shift to general support funding? And what does a successful shift look like for funders?

Nicole Campbell:

How do they transition to that? How do grantees transition to that? I know that these are big questions to wrestle with, but I do think we need to wrestle with them in order to make sure that this trend keeps tracking in the right direction. And that’s our Fast Build. If you have any comments or you want to share any of the infrastructure trends that you’re noticing in the sector, please just comment below. I’d love to hear from you.

Katy Thompson:

And that concludes this week’s episode. Nic posed many big questions for us to ponder in this episode. We are curious to know how you are thinking about the transition to more general support funding? What trends are you seeing in 2021? Send us your answers and infrastructure comments and questions to hello@buildupadvisory.com 

-Upbeat Outro Music-

Nic Campbell:

Thank you for listening to this episode of Nonprofit Build Up. To access the show notes, additional resources, and information on how you can work with us, please visit our website at buildupadvisory.com. We invite you to listen again next week as we share another episode about scaling impact by building infrastructure and capacity in the nonprofit sector. Keep building bravely.

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Flexibility and Adaptability to Enhance Nonprofit Impact with Ricardo Castro

This week on the Nonprofit Build Up, we’re talking with Ricardo Castro, the Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary of the International Rescue Committee. This conversation was recorded last year in 2020 when we were at the height of an international health crisis…that we’re still finding our way through. Ricardo is captivating in how he speaks about IRC’s work and how IRC is responding to yet another crisis and helping countries around the world. He also talks about how essential it is for nonprofits to share their stories and to consider and illustrate the impact of their interventions. He also points out how funders need to be more flexible and adaptable in what they require of grantees in moments of crisis and how the sector should focus less on process and more on support.

Ricardo also discusses the importance of funding infrastructure development to ensure that all organizations, including grassroots organizations, can share the important stories of marginalized communities. This conversation encourages us all to reflect on how we can adapt to the needs of the moment and how we can thoughtfully build more resilient organizations.

Listen to the podcast here:



About Ricardo Castro

Ricardo Castro possesses that rare combination of legal background with solid strategic and operational organizational leadership. He has an extensive knowledge of the successful development and management of mission-critical NFP organizations serving a diverse global constituency. In his current position as General Counsel and Secretary of the International Rescue Committee, he is a member of the senior leadership team and is responsible for the legal affairs of the organization both domestically and internationally. In his immediately preceding position as General Counsel of the Clinton Foundation, he was also a member of the senior leadership team and was likewise responsible for the Foundation’s global legal affairs.

As Executive Vice President of Consumer Reports, also a blue chip not-for-profit organization, he was a member of the senior leadership team with the mandate to establish the strategic direction for all Business Development, Change Management, IT, Development, Customer Care, and HR endeavors. In that position, Ricardo took the reins of managing a comprehensive change management process involving seven teams dedicated to defining implementable strategic recommendations in areas of critical importance to the transformation of Consumer Reports. And as he proved at Open Society Foundations and at the Ford Foundation, his strengths also include strategic analysis & planning, US & global regulatory compliance, legal & international negotiations, and NFP start-ups and restructuring.

Ricardo has developed a reputation in the NFP field as an expert in philanthropy, particularly as it pertains to international activities — he has been regularly asked to speak at the Georgetown Continuing Legal Education Conference relating to Managing Tax Exempt Organizations, and recently completed his term on the Board of Advisors of the National Center on Philanthropy and the Law.

Read the podcast transcription below:

-Upbeat Intro Music-

Nic Campbell: You’re listening to the Nonprofit Build Up Podcast and I’m your host, Nic Campbell. I want to support movements that can interrupt cycles of injustice and inequity, and shift power towards vulnerable and marginalized communities. I’ve spent years working in and with nonprofits and philanthropies, and I know how important infrastructure is to outcomes. On this show, we’ll talk about how to build capacity to transform the way you and your organization work.

Nicole Campbell: Hi everyone, this week on the Nonprofit Build Up, we’re talking with Ricardo Castro, the Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary of the International Rescue Committee. The IRC is an international organization that responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises and helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and gain control of their future. Ricardo Castro possesses that rare combination of legal background with solid strategic and operational organizational leadership. He has extensive knowledge of how to successfully develop and manage mission critical nonprofit organizations serving a diverse global constituency. Ricardo has developed a reputation in the nonprofit field as an expert in philanthropy, particularly as it pertains to international activities. He’s regularly asked to speak as an expert at conferences and international meetings, and recently completed his term on the Board of Advisors of the National Center on Philanthropy and the Law. Ricardo and I recorded this conversation last year in 2020, when we were at the height of an international health crisis that we’re still finding our way through. Ricardo is captivating in how he speaks about IRC’s work, and how IRC is responding to yet another crisis, and helping countries around the world.

Nicole Campbell: He also talks about how essential it is for nonprofits to share their stories and to consider and illustrate the impact of their interventions. He points out how funders need to be more flexible and adaptable in what they require of grantees in moments of crisis, and how the sector should focus less on process and more on support. Ricardo discusses the importance of funding infrastructure development to ensure that all organizations, including grassroots organizations can share the important stories of marginalized communities. This conversation encourages us all to reflect on how we can adapt to the needs of the moment and how we can thoughtfully build more resilient organizations. Now, we had a few audio issues in this conversation, but please ignore them. This conversation is that insightful. And with that here is Ricardo Castro.

Nicole Campbell: Hi Ricardo, it is so great to have you joining us for our Fast Build Leader series.

Ricardo Castro: Hi Nic, it’s really good to be with you.

Nicole Campbell: Yeah, I’m really looking forward to our conversation. To get us started, can you tell us about the International Rescue Committee, your role there, and IRC’s immediate priority?

Ricardo Castro: Sure, sure. So the International Rescue Committee, or IRC for short, has been around since the 1930s, it’s one of the world’s largest humanitarian organizations. It was established originally at the urging of Albert Einstein to help Jews escaping Nazi Germany at the time. And since then, it has grown to quite a large organization. It’s probably around 14 or 15,000 employees and volunteers around the world. It operates in over 30 countries and it assists people who are impacted by conflict or natural disaster or a crisis of some sort, providing humanitarian assistance. And it also is the largest refugee resettlement agency in the United States. So refugees who resettled in the United States are resettled by a number of different agencies. There are nine, IRC is one of those nine resettlement agencies. And in fact it’s the largest of the nine. So it’s a humanitarian organization and a refugee resettlement agency that’s been around for quite some time, has a very large operating budget, this current fiscal year over $800 million operating budget. About 75% of the funding is from governments, U.S. Government, UK government, Swedish government, others as well. And the other 25% private fundraising.

Nicole Campbell: Can you tell us a little about what you do there? What’s your role?

Ricardo Castro: Oh, sure. I’m the Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary, that’s quite a mouthful. So I run the legal department, the office of general counsel. There are five lawyers and myself makes six. And I also provide executive oversight over two other units. One is called the Ethics and Compliance Unit, which among other things, investigates allegations of misconduct throughout the organization, and the Internal Audit Unit, which audits our internal controls around the world and our operations around the world.

Nicole Campbell: And in light of COVID-19 and just what’s going on in the world, what is IRC’s immediate priority?

Ricardo Castro: Well, the immediate priority is the safety and security of its personnel around the world. We operate in…obviously we operate in the United States and in Europe, but most of our country programs are in Africa, and Asia, and Latin America. And so first and foremost is the safety and security and well-being of our own staff and volunteers. And then of course, to try to ensure business continuity. Our sort of lifeblood as an organization is to provide assistance to people in dire circumstances, ordinarily due to conflict or natural disaster. And what that involves is providing for people’s basic needs, either in refugee camps or outside of refugee camps, in communities that involves providing public health and medical care services to people in need, education, cash assistance, all the sorts of things that people need to survive under difficult circumstances. So we’re trying to ensure that that work continues during this crisis and preparing for COVID-19 to impact those countries in which we operate. Because as we all know, the global North has been hit much more, at least currently, much more significantly by the virus, and the global South, we are beginning to see COVID-19 cases be reported in increasing numbers. But we work in many countries where the reporting systems are unfortunately unreliable. So we believe that unfortunately, the numbers are probably at the moment understated, even as it just begins to take hold there. So we’re very concerned about the potential impact in countries that have much weaker public health systems than we do. So it’s quite concerning.

Nicole Campbell: So, you’re doing critical work with a significant global footprint. And you’ve also explained that, you know, essentially you’re also fundraising, right? Although 75% of your budget does come from governments, the other 25% is coming from somewhere else. And so a question I have for you, particularly now in this environment that we’re in, what’s your advice to nonprofits that fundraise as a significant part of their budget? So in other words, what do you think should be top of mind for them right now during this time of uncertainty?

Ricardo Castro: Yeah, no, I think that’s a great question. And by the way, the government funds that we raise require a lot of work as well, to raise those funds. So the government funding is a separate animal, but it requires a lot of work, both to obtain those awards from governments and to manage them and to report on them. There’s a whole infrastructure that’s needed to carry out that type of work. But on the private fundraising side, which I assume your question is addressing probably primarily, private fundraising, and I think the key is to tell stories. I think storytelling about what your organization is doing that’s consistent with its mission, why it’s critical, and being able really to point to evidence, and sometimes that evidence is in the form of stories. To be able to point to of why what you’re doing is making a difference and why the interventions that you’re choosing to pursue in whatever your mission is, why those interventions are worthy of someone’s hard-earned money.

Ricardo Castro: And I think that there are many ways to make that case to the public, but I think stories are very compelling. So if you are helping immigrant families in low-income neighborhoods, I think allowing the voices of the people you’re helping to shine through in your appeals is very, very important. There are other ways, of course, as well as we all know, everyone, funders particularly these days, are very concerned about data. So this can be tricky because if you’re a small organization that is community based and doesn’t have a lot of resources, you may not have a lot of funds or means to collect data and evidence in ways that some funders require. And so you have to be creative and find other ways to provide the evidence that what you’re doing matters and makes a difference. And again, I go back to the issue of storytelling. I know that just merely as a citizen, if I receive an appeal that contains a really compelling story, I will be more apt to support that effort. So I think storytelling is really critical.

Nicole Campbell: I really like that answer Ricardo, and I really agree with you. I think that a lot of our efforts, if not all of them, should be going towards telling our story, how loud we were telling it, who are we sharing that story with, who else is picking up that story and telling it to others. So I really liked that response, and I also agree with you about the involvement of fundraising from governments and working with government funding. So even having worked with you on a lot of those cases, I know how involved it can be. And I know you also mentioned funders when you were explaining what nonprofits fundraisers should be focused on and what funders might be looking for at this point. So if we were to look on the other side of that conversation, what’s your advice to funders, beyond give more money? What’s that advice for them to support nonprofit sustainability, both within and beyond this crisis?

Ricardo Castro: Yeah, I think that for funders, I think my pitch to funders, frankly, would be to be more flexible and to adapt requirements accordingly. I think that in a moment of crisis, particularly, donors need to show some flexibility to allow the work that’s mission critical to be accomplished with perhaps some lightening of reporting requirements and things that frankly add a lot of burden and work to organizations that are maybe actually not even sufficiently funded to cover a lot of the compliance aspects of the work and really have to stretch. At a lot of the smaller organizations, people are wearing multiple hats. And if you can lighten up a little bit on some of the reporting requirements, or maybe even show some flexibility in terms of how funds can be used within an already pre-approved budget. I think that would be very helpful at this time, just to show some flexibility, be a bit agile, allow people to adapt a little bit. I think that would go a long way and would help people.

Nicole Campbell: So, we have advice for both nonprofits and funders, and I think your response is touching on this, but what do you wish we did less of as a sector and what you think we should do more of?

Ricardo Castro: So, I think that what we should do less of as a sector is probably place a little bit less of an emphasis on process and what, for some organizations really feel, like a lot of bureaucracy, if that can be minimized, I think that would be very helpful. And the thing I think that we can do more of, I think is to, for funders particularly, to fund infrastructure development a bit more. So for instance, I go back to this issue of data and evidence. A lot of funders want organizations to provide all sorts of data and evidence about the efficacy of their work, et cetera. And the impact, impact is the magic word, and I get that. I think that’s valid, but I think that perhaps I don’t quite understand what that means for an organization in practice – that is short-staffed, that does not have the technology perhaps to gather data and to report on metrics in the way that might be desired by the donor.

Ricardo Castro: So, I think it’s very important in those cases for donors to pay for that infrastructure that’s needed to meet those demands. So, I mean, I have seen many occasions where there are requirements imposed on organizations and they really have to spend their own unrestricted funds in order to comply with requirements because the grants received don’t have budget lines to support the people needed to generate that type of reporting, let’s say, or that type of data. So it really cuts into their unrestricted funds in a way that is not really intended, I’m sure, by some donors. So I think it’s important for donors to be very mindful of what requirements they’re imposing and fund the ability of the organization to meet those requirements.

Nicole Campbell: You are speaking my language, Ricardo, and it actually takes me into my next question for you, which is how is IRC thinking about these issues? How is it thinking about building infrastructure, particularly during this time when a lot of nonprofits are focused on programmatic strategy or on fundraising, which again should be important and at the forefront, but how is IRC thinking about building its infrastructure now during this uncertain time during the pandemic, but also beyond the pandemic?

Ricardo Castro: Yeah, that’s a very good question. I think IRC is fortunate because it’s a very large well-established humanitarian organization that is well-funded and has developed over the years, a significant and effective infrastructure. So for IRC, it’s not so much the question of building infrastructure, it’s actually adapting the infrastructure to new circumstances. So I’ll give you an example. We have a very sophisticated Ethics and Compliance Unit that looks into any expressions of concern by members of the public, staff, vendors, whoever, and part of what they do is to conduct reviews of situations in country. Well, in a circumstance where travel is off limits, our issue is not developing that infrastructure because we have it, It’s how does it get differently deployed and utilized in a new set of circumstances? How do you leverage technologies in a different way to permit you to carry out those same sorts of investigations and activity without the need to travel?

Ricardo Castro: How do you partner with colleagues in the field to undertake some of the activity that you might otherwise have undertaken from headquarters? So for us, and there are other infrastructural units like that, like our global supply chain team and other, our internal audit team, these are all teams that require us to do work on the ground. And in this context where travel is not permitted, where safety and the health needs of your staff are critical, for us the question is how do we change the way our infrastructure is behaving and conducting its work so that we remain effective. And so that we continue to comply with the requirements of our donors and we continue to comply with our own code of conduct and with our own standard operating procedures around procurement and things like that. All these different infrastructural functions are challenged in so far as not the number of people they may have working in those units, but the methodologies for working are challenged.

Ricardo Castro: And so, it requires us to be adaptive, to be flexible, and to be creative, actually, you have to come up with creative ways to get the same things done. But other organizations, particularly smaller not-for-profit organizations, don’t have the issue we’re having. They have the issue of actually, maybe realizing for the first time, that they need a certain type of infrastructure function and that’s a different kettle of fish. And again, it requires the organization to really assess its needs very carefully. And you also have to be careful, now’s a tricky time, because what your needs might be during COVID-19 and the pandemic may be rather different. So you have to sort of assess your needs in the immediate moment and also in the medium, and long-term, so it’s a challenging time to think about that.

Nicole Campbell: I liked that. I like that approach because it really just says, it’s not just about building once and forgetting about it and saying, “We’ve done that, it’s fine”, but it’s this continuous assessment to make sure that these powerful stories that we’ve been talking about of the communities that we’re serving are continuing to be told, right? And you have the infrastructure to support that. And for the new organizations or the newer organizations or smaller organizations that are building that infrastructure, taking that moment to say, “What do we need now and what might be needed later?” So that really resonates. Ricardo, this conversation has been incredible. I want to ask you a question to help us continue to build knowledge through books and people you should learn about or from, to close us out. What book do you think we should read next? Or what artists do you think we should be paying attention to?

Ricardo Castro: Well, I’ll answer the artists question first, because I was just thinking about someone in the last few days that I really admire. So a woman by the name of…a visual by the name of Mickalene Thomas, who is a black, as she describes herself, a black, queer, woman, artist. Mickalene Thomas, she’s extraordinary, she produces beautiful work to look at, just really striking. And she also elevates the day-to-day existence of black women largely in really, like, home settings. But the way she depicts the people in her work…she works largely in collage with lots of color, she also does amazing installations, reproducing like people’s living rooms and things in the seventies. It’s really pretty cool. And she’s remarkable because she’s very interested in elevating stories of people that she grew up with in New Jersey. She’s from New Jersey. So I’m from New Jersey. So I like that about her as well.

Ricardo Castro: And she’s doing extraordinarily well now, she’s gotten a lot of attention, lots of shows all over. She’s worth listening to when she talks about her work, if you can catch her on YouTube, she was invited to be a trustee of MoMA. She’s quite remarkable. She was featured recently in a short video that was done about butch women in the New York times, a little video that was done about that. It was really terrific. And the other thing I really liked, the last thing I’ll say about her, is that she’s really using her own fame to elevate other artists of color. And she’s having them be part of her shows. And she’s very concerned about, I think she refers to it as community of practice, and bringing other people in her community into her work and giving them visibility as well as part of her own journey. So she’s a really cool person. So I think she’s very well worth looking at,

Nicole Campbell: I’m definitely going to check out her work. And can you say your name one more time, Ricardo?

Ricardo Castro: Mickalene, it’s M I C K A L E N E, Mickalene Thomas.

Nicole Campbell: Mickalene Thomas, okay. I’m definitely going to check her out. So thank you for sharing that. And you’ve also shared such incredible wisdom that leaders can practically use in their own organizations to help them build bravely. So thank you so much for joining us today, Ricardo.

Ricardo Castro: Oh, of course. It was my pleasure. Anytime. Thanks for the work you’re doing. I think it’s really, really, really valuable and the community’s in your debt. So thank you.

Nicole Campbell: Thank you.

-Upbeat Outro Music-

Nic Campbell: Thank you for listening to this episode of Nonprofit Build Up. To access the show notes, additional resources, and information on how you can work with us, please visit our website at buildupadvisory.com. We invite you to listen again next week as we share another episode about scaling impact by building infrastructure and capacity in the nonprofit sector. Keep building bravely.

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