Over the next two weeks on the Nonprofit Build Up, we are sharing practical recommendations for nonprofits for surviving the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. These episodes were originally recorded as a webinar in March 2020 to address the difficult questions that surfaced as a result of the crisis.

Although a year and a half has passed since the original presentation, we felt that it was pertinent to share this information once more as we continue to battle COVID-19 on all fronts. The pandemic continues to disrupt life as we know it. It has changed the way we work and even where we work. As a result, nonprofits are being asked to increase their services and resources to some of the most vulnerable and marginalized communities around the world while experiencing some of the greatest financial impact of this global crisis.

Nic shares practical ways for nonprofits to address the difficult questions that have surfaced as a result of the crisis about their viability and provides concrete ways to move forward in this crisis and prepare for sustainability post-crisis. . You will hear Nic talk about crisis funding conversations, key funding elements, amending grant agreements, and innovative funding tools.  All are critical to nonprofit sustainability

Listen to the podcast here:

Part One

Part Two
