
grassroots organization

The Connection Between Infrastructure and Saying No with A. Nicole Campbell 

Over the next three weeks on the Nonprofit Build Up, we are discussing the connection between infrastructure and saying no. These episodes were recorded as an episode from our Fast Build Friday series, a web-series where we quickly build what you know about infrastructure design in the nonprofit sector.

In Part One, Nic explores the connection between infrastructure and the ability to say, “No,” to a grant. She shares the first of 3 indicators of infrastructure strength that are connected to an organization’s ability to say, “No,” to funding – revenue diversification. Being terrified of even the thought of saying, “No,” to a sizable grant is often an indicator of a weakened infrastructure, namely insufficient revenue diversification. Revenue diversification feeds your sustainability. And your sustainability impacts the way you serve vulnerable communities.

In Part Two, Nic shares the second of three indicators of infrastructure strength that are connected to an organization’s ability to say, “No,” to funding – brave infrastructure building.When you have the ability to say, “No,” it indicates that you are unapologetically building a strong foundation and infrastructure to support your work, which is what our communities need.

In Part Three, Nic shares the final indicator of infrastructure strength that is connected to an organization’s ability to say, “No,” to funding – storytelling. Having structured grants to support communities in nearly every region of the world, Nic knows the power of a compelling story. And she appreciates the connection between storytelling and infrastructure.

Listen to the podcasts here:

Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three:




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The Importance of Infrastructure in Innovation with A. Nicole Campbell 

Over the next two weeks on the Nonprofit Build Up, we are discussing the importance of infrastructure in innovation. These episodes were recorded as an episode from our Fast Build Friday series, a web-series where we quickly build what you know about infrastructure design in the nonprofit sector.

Part One was inspired by Nic’s conversation with a nonprofit CEO where they talked a lot about how nonprofits and philanthropies often focus on innovation as an outcome or a specific point in time. In this episode, Nic encourages us to dissect this topic; this episode explains the first of two building blocks about infrastructure and innovation. This first building block is meant to raise questions for you about how you think about and pursue innovation.

In Part Two, Nic shares the second building block about infrastructure and innovation – true innovation requires accountability. Having built organizational infrastructure for years now, Nic sees accountability as the element that heavily contributes to sustained innovation. And sustained innovation transforms worlds and lives.

Listen to the podcasts here:

Part One:

Part Two:




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Making Grants  with A. Nicole Campbell 

Over the next two weeks on the Nonprofit Build Up, we are discussing grant making. This week we are focusing on making grants to organizations that are not US public charities. These episodes were recorded as an episode from our Fast Build Friday series, a web-series where we quickly build what you know about infrastructure design in the nonprofit sector.

In Episode 32, you will hear 3 key recommendations that will help funders and these organizations sustain a movement, ideas, and change. We receiva lot of questions about how to structure funding awards to groups and organizations that are not U.S. public charities. Funders want to support change, but have not made these types of grants before or have made them, but getting the funding out was a slow, complicated process. We are in a moment where neither reality works.  

In Episode 33, Nic shares two  key considerations for building sustainable individual grant programs all over the world. If you are not making grants to individuals because you do not know how or are afraid of what it might entail, you are missing a key component of your strategy. Making grants to individuals is a critical part of how we change outcomes for vulnerable and marginalized communities. 

Listen to the podcasts here:

Episode 32- Making Grants to Organizations That Are Not U.S. Public Charities

Episode 33- Making Grants to Individuals




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