
Nonprofit Podcast

Transitioning from Concept to Public Charity with A. Nicole Campbell  (Part I & II)

Over the next two weeks on the Nonprofit Build Up, we are discussing transitioning from concept to public charity. These episodes were recorded as an episode from our Fast Build Friday series, a web-series where we quickly build what you know about infrastructure design in the nonprofit sector.

In these episodes, you will hear  two key considerations for transitioning to public charity status. The first consideration, which is critical, is to determine if you should, in fact, be a charitable entity. If you skip this step and go straight to assuming you should be a public charity simply because you want to have social impact, you will lose out on a lot of the vision and mission setting that is critical for building infrastructure and will likely be in an inappropriate entity, both of which will ultimately have an impact within the communities you serve.

The second key consideration is to take the time to plan your strategy. This planning includes articulating your vision, mission, priorities, proposed activities, and other goals that you have for your organization. Trust us, the time that you take to think critically about your organization will pay off in multiples.

Listen to the podcast here:

Part One

Part Two




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Supporting Black Owned Businesses with Jeanette Adelson and Earl Thomason

This week on the Nonprofit Build Up, Nic is talking with Jeanette Adelson and Earl Thomason, founding Board Co-Chair’s of Foundation of Freedom. Foundation of Freedom is a community led 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization focused on addressing the racial wealth gap by volunteering at Black owned businesses, producing educational programming, and economic activism campaigns.

Jeanette is the Founding Board Co-Chair of Foundation of Freedom. She is an organizer, producer, and recent law school graduate of Northeastern University School of Law.

Earl is the Founding Board Co-Chair and Executive Director of Foundation of Freedom. Formerly, Earl was a Partner at The Soze Agency, a creative agency that produces large scale social impact campaigns with clients that include the New York Civil Liberties Union, March For Our Lives, fwd.us, HBO, and The Leadership Conference.


Listen to the podcast here:



About Jeanette Adelson & Earl Thomason:

Jeanette Adelson

Jeanette is the Founding Board Co-Chair of Foundation of Freedom. She is an organizer, producer, and recent law school graduate of Northeastern University School of Law. While in law school Jeanette was the Co-Chair for the Black Law Student Association, Lawyering Fellow, Spring 2020 PHRGE Fellow, and Student Attorney for the Community Business Clinic. In the fall, Jeanette will be joining a New York City law firm where she will focus on corporate business transactions. Jeanette loves adventure, tasty tacos, and misses attending theater productions dearly.

Earl Thomason

Earl is the Founding Board Co-Chair and Executive Director of Foundation of Freedom. Formerly, Earl was a Partner at The Soze Agency, a creative agency that produces large scale social impact campaigns with clients that include the New York Civil Liberties Union, March For Our Lives, fwd.us, HBO, and The Leadership Conference. Earl was born, raised and still resides in Bed Stuy, Brooklyn. He received his Master’s in Public Administration, concentrating in Nonprofit Management, from Rutgers University. In addition to his work with Foundation of Freedom, Earl uses his skills in writing, directing, and production to tell stories that address racial inequity.  


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Infrastructure Considerations for Nonprofit or Social-Impact Startups with A. Nicole Campbell (Part I & II)

Over the next two weeks on the Nonprofit Build Up, we are discussing infrastructure considerations for nonprofit or social-impact start-ups. These episodes were recorded as part of our Fast Build Friday® series, a web-series where we quickly build what you know about infrastructure design in the nonprofit sector.

Nic shares two fundamental infrastructure considerations for nonprofit or social-impact startups, including why you need a compelling programmatic vision and strategy in order to build a strong infrastructure and a sustainable organization, and capacity building.

Listen to the podcast here:

Part One

Part Two




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Surviving COVID-19 and Beyond: Practical Recommendations for Nonprofits with A. Nicole Campbell (Part I & II)

Over the next two weeks on the Nonprofit Build Up, we are sharing practical recommendations for nonprofits for surviving the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. These episodes were originally recorded as a webinar in March 2020 to address the difficult questions that surfaced as a result of the crisis.

Although a year and a half has passed since the original presentation, we felt that it was pertinent to share this information once more as we continue to battle COVID-19 on all fronts. The pandemic continues to disrupt life as we know it. It has changed the way we work and even where we work. As a result, nonprofits are being asked to increase their services and resources to some of the most vulnerable and marginalized communities around the world while experiencing some of the greatest financial impact of this global crisis.

Nic shares practical ways for nonprofits to address the difficult questions that have surfaced as a result of the crisis about their viability and provides concrete ways to move forward in this crisis and prepare for sustainability post-crisis. . You will hear Nic talk about crisis funding conversations, key funding elements, amending grant agreements, and innovative funding tools.  All are critical to nonprofit sustainability

Listen to the podcast here:

Part One

Part Two



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Making the Case for General Support Funding with A. Nicole Campbell (Part I & II)

Over the next two weeks on the Nonprofit Build Up, we are making the case for general support funding. This two-part series was originally recorded as a webinar with Angelyn Frazer-Giles, Executive Director of the National Network for Justice. Angelyn was previously featured on the Nonprofit Build Up Episode 9- Increasing Access for Grassroots Organizations.

You will hear us talk a lot about general support funding or flexible funding on the Nonprofit Build Up podcast, including last week’s episode introducing the importance of general support grants. Many leaders in the nonprofit sector are speaking out about how crucial general support funding is for creating sustainable and effective organizations. And we agree. This series goes a little deeper into discussing why the majority of funding is not general support and what the delays are that slow down general support grants from becoming the default grants of the sector.

Additionally, Nic gets technical and discusses how to request general support grants and how to structure these awards to nonprofits and social-impact entities. Angelyn and Nic also address how to build relationships and trust and redefine risk to effectively transition to general support.

Listen to the podcast here:

Part One

Part Two


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